Abstract: 3D Reconstruction has been an enduring problem in Image understanding and computer vision. There is an increasing interest on 3D information in the general public due to rapid development of 3D imaging techniques, marketing of 3D movies and games, and low cost of depth cameras. Numerous algorithms that have been proposed for performing 3D reconstruction using different variants of Iterative Closest Point(ICP) algorithm focusses mainly on reducing the computation time. The accuracy of 3D reconstruction is not taken in to consideration. An efficient, accurate, real time and active 3D reconstruction method using Kinect sensor is developed in this paper focusing…on improving the accuracy of 3D reconstruction in less computation time. An Artificial Bee colony based ICP algorithm is proposed by incorporating several efficient variants of ICP algorithm. The proposed algorithm is intended to improve the accuracy and stability of the standard ICP algorithm. The performance of the proposed algorithm is satisfactory when compared with structured light technique and several ICP variants with respect to accuracy, complexity and computation speed.
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Keywords: 3D Reconstruction, iterative closest point, kinect sensor, artificial bee colony, structured light technique
Abstract: The utilization of the spectrum is optimized through which primary users of modern wireless communication technologies might obtain a higher chance of detection. The research aims to study how the NI-USRP hardware platform can be used to set up greedy cooperative spectrum sensing for cognitive radio networks. Research primarily deals with energy detection and eigenvalue-based detection approaches, both of which are highly recognized for their capacity to sense the spectrum without having prior knowledge of the primary user signals. In the hardware arrangement, there is one transmitter and two cognitive radio receivers. LABVIEW makes it simple to deploy and maximizes…the detection probability across a large sample. Here, it was demonstrated that cooperative spectrum sensing is superior to non-cooperative spectrum sensing, which results in a reduction in the risk of errors occurring during detection. The research discovered that the OR combination rule has a higher detection probability than the AND rule at the same time. The research emphasizes the significance of expanding cooperative spectrum sensing to improve overall detection capabilities. SNRs that are more than 10 dB allow the energy detector to operate, and the eigenvalue detector continues to work when the SNR drops to –9 dB.
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